Good Morning everyone! 😊 We are going to be exploring a new topic this half term and our topic will be ‘People Who Help Us’. There are many people who help us by doing some very important jobs. First we are going to look at doctors, nurses and other hospital workers and find out what they do and how they help us. Have a think at home with your grown up about a time when you weren’t feeling well and how you got better. Some people need to visit the Doctor/Nurse when they’re feeling unwell. Where do Doctors and Nurses work? What can they do to make people feel better? Below are some activities that you can try at home. Have a go with your grown up and talk about what you are using and how you are doing it. Share your thoughts and ideas. The more talking we do the better as this helps build and develop our language! Number and Shape In our story, the Doctor gave the patient medicine at the surgery to make the man feel better. Can you have a go at counting ingredients to make your own pretend medicine? Remember these aren’t real medicines, only pretend, so use anything you like! Have a look at Rakhi’s pretend medicine. I counted my ingredients really carefully. When you’ve made your medicine, you can pretend to give it to your teddies/family to make them feel better! Art/Mark Making For our mark making and art activity this week you can draw a picture of something you did in the holidays. Rakhi spent lots of time with her family at home and went on lovely long walks and Aysha did the same! Talk to your grown up about your picture. Parents, you might want to ask your child something specific about their picture to build more language and develop their speech further. Some things to think about include: I wonder what this part of your picture is (pointing to something specific)? I can see a... what can you see? Why did you choose to draw a...? You can also have a go at copying the letters in your name. A grown up will need to write your name with you and then you can see if you can copy the letters. Say the letters as you write. Today we’re going to do this in flour. You will need a tray or a plate, some flour and your finger. Have a look at Rakhi’s name. Phonics Have a go at singing the Nursery Rhyme ‘Miss Polly had a Dolly.’ Join in with the song and the actions. We’ve been practising our phase 1 phonics, let’s continue to explore our environmental sounds. Listen to the farm animal noises in the video below and see if you can guess what animal is making each sound. Can you try and make the sound? Can you do it loudly/quietly? Fine Motor We need to be doing lots of fine motor activities to build and strengthen the muscles in our hands. This is the first stage of early writing and it is so important. Have a look at Aysha practising her fine motor skills and see if you can have a go. Enjoy all these activities today! See you again tomorrow! Comments are closed.
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