Good Morning All,
I am so impressed by your published versions of Extra Yarn, I loved reading them! I wanted to share a few with you all. I know that a lot of you are still working on them, I can't wait to read them too! What a great way to express yourselves too!
Learning for today...
Reading/Spelling: I have set some 2Dos on Purple Mash, please log in and complete them. English/PSHE:
Everyone worries from time to time and this is ok. 1. Listen to 'The Huge Bag of Worries' story. 2. Design your own bag. 3. Think about all of things that worry you or make you feel sad. These could be foods you do not like, memories that make you sad or things you dislike. 4. Draw and label these things inside your bag. 5. When your bag is full, you decide what you want to do with it. You could put it in the bin, tear it up, put it somewhere safe if you want to look back at it. The choice is yours. Maths:
LIVE LESSON - PLEASE LOG IN VIA ZOOM Please have your whiteboards/paper and pens ready and something to count with. GROUP 1: 10-10.30PM GROUP 2: 12-12.30PM Task to complete AFTER the lesson - Solve these sums, using a number line (you could use the picture below or print some if you can) or a ruler, or your brain only! Challenge - How far apart are these numbers?
1. Explore Simple City on Purple Mash, I have also set this as a 2Do. We can use this to create scenes and animations using drag and drop tools.
2. Try and create the same picture by cutting and sticking the same scenes and objects from paper. Discuss -
Ismail and Tamara have been expressing their feelings through Art. Comments are closed.
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