Sometimes being brave means to stand up for people or to stand up to people. What would you do if you saw someone not respecting someone else's rights? Would you stand up for them? This week we are looking at an article of the United Nation Convention on the rights of the child . Did you guess it? What could you do to help ALL children enjoy the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family? Write down your thoughts before you compare them with the ideas below..... Feel free to share your thoughts with myself and Amanda in the Assemblies Blog, we would love to find out what you think.
An aspiration is a hope or ambition of achieving something. Most people have dreams or aspirations they would love to achieve, sometimes this is taking on a new adventure, doing something that takes them out of their comfort zone or developing themselves in some way that makes them feel good about who they are. Aspirations are important because they can contribute immensely to your development as a person and becoming who you want to be. What can Aspirations look like?Aspirations can change depending on the timescale of what you want to achieve.
How do you want life to be after lockdown?
What do you want to do and who do you want to become as you grow older?
Persevering...Like going on an adventure, achieving an aspiration can be challenging and at times it may feel like you might not reach your goal.
But being adventurous means facing difficulties and finding ways to carry on and persevere.
Tips for perseveringThe most important thing about aspirations....
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