Hello everybody, I would like to take this time to just talk about how you can stay kind online. I would like to remind you all that when you are mad at someone, there are other ways to manage your anger instead of being unkind to someone else. When you are mad, you need to talk about your anger and not call people names. Speak to your parent or teacher about what has upset you online - this is a much calmer way to sort of the issue and talk about how you are feeling. Please remember the affects your words can have on somebody else. It really hurts the person's feelings - just like physical hurt. You will have butterflies in your tummy and a fire in your belly if you read something unkind about yourself. Think about a time somebody called you a bad name and how you felt - I am sure it wasn't a nice feeling at all. You also need to think about what you are actually arguing about online - is it really worth getting into a big fight over a game? Try and scale the problem down and think about your reaction to what is going on. Instead of using not very nice words when someone has upset you try to say “ 'I'm angry and upset and I am leaving this chat now'' or ''I am disappointed that you are being mean to me- I am telling an adult.'' You have the choice to LOG OUT so when things are getting very tough and upsetting just log out and tell an adult straight away. Please remember to be KIND online. During this time, the internet is one of the only things connecting us together, so please make sure you are using it safely and respectfully. If you need to speak to me or your teacher about unkind behaviour online please do let us know. Emily. Remember...'Sometimes it isn’t obvious that what you are doing is wrong, but if you use digital technology to upset, anger or embarrass someone on purpose, this means you’re involved in online bullying. It might be as simple as ‘liking’ a mean post, laughing at an online video, or spreading a rumour, but the person being bullied could feel like they are being ganged up on. Think about how it would make you feel if it happened to you. Everyone can make mistakes, but it’s important to learn from them - go back and delete any upsetting or nasty posts, tweets or comments you’ve written' Comments are closed.
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