I hope you all enjoyed Artburst as much as I did yesterday! It was great to see you all in your small groups. There is no book swap today, please bring any books back with you next week on Monday. As always, if you have any questions please email me using this email address : [email protected] ReadingYour reading has been set up on Purple Mash, you should complete it every day. If you have your reading group with Tom today, don't forget to log in at the new time of 1.30pm. Today's group is Nusaybah, Isra, Farhan, Aaliyah, Salman and Khadijah SpellingWe are continuing to work on words with suffixes this week. There is a task set for you on Google Classroom. EnglishWe will be continuing to look at improving sentences and writing our books about our lives. MathsWe are continuing with our work on fractions. Topic - GeographyToday's task is all about the labelling different parts of the world and learning what the words longitude and latitude mean. Read through the presentation on Google Classroom and follow the link to complete the quiz.
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